Part of the growing netroots support for Governor Bill Richardson in 2008.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Union endorses Obama; Bayh endorses Clinton

From Mark Preston CNN Political Editor

Washington (CNN) -- Two of the prima campaigners for the Democratic presidential nomination each proclaimed a labor union blurb Monday and one received the championship of a senior member of Congress.

Presidential campaigner Sen. Barack Obama talks after being endorsed by a New House Of York rectification officers' union

Sen. Edmund Hillary Clinton, D-New York, announced the championship of the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, an organisation that touts a rank of 100,000 "skilled masonry-trowel trades craftworkers."

Later in the day, Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Indiana, endorsed Bill Bill Clinton for president.

"I believe that the adjacent president of the United States must be experienced and seasoned, must be smart and must be tough," said Bayh, who once considered a presidential run. "And I believe that Edmund Hillary Bill Bill Clinton is all of these things and more."

unveiled her labor labor labor union blurb soon after news leaked that Sen. Barack , D-Illinois, would head to Clinton's place sod to uncover his ain union endorsement.

The Correction Officers' Beneficent Association, a New House Of York City union that stands for 9,000 jailhouse workers, announced they are backing him at a late morning time news conference. Don't Miss

Also Monday, veteran soldier Ioway Democratic secret agent Gordon Hans Fischer announced he is throwing his support behind Obama's White Person House command -- a cardinal blurb for the senator in the early caucus state that topographic points a insurance premium on political campaign organization.

"Like all Democrats I am despairing to win the White Person House, and I am absolutely convinced Sen. Obama is the campaigner who have the best opportunity against any Republican in the field," Fischer, the state's former Democratic political party chairman, said in a conference phone call with reporters.

While blurbs are often seen as a mark of a candidate's strength within the political class, the support of labor unions is particularly of import because these organisations often supply a motivated grouping of land military personnel to work on behalf of the candidate.

1 comment:

Barry Sez said...

Are you interested in electing Bill Richardson
as the next president of the USA? Why
are you using the Richardson For President
address? You are really disrupting our
efforts. What is your goal?
Barry White, Chair, Miami Dade County Florida
Grassroots Campaign, Richardson For President